there was this actress who was
fed up with her job.
For security reasons we cant' disclose her name!
So she decided to join a detective agency on fine day.
Her boss -
Tingya Teli (known as
TT in this part of world) gave her a
surveillance assignment.
So there she went in search of a deadly don - mamu khopdi. She soon found him near a restaurant and went in. But mamu was not so mamu after all. He took a shaarp turn and aimed the revolver at the actress.
An assistant of TT saw this - he was on a similar assignment in same hotel. But he could not scream the actress's name as it would give her away....
so the High IQ'd assistant yelled a biscuit's name several times...
The actress looked back .. and the bullet just brushed her 56783th hair....
Q: what was the actress's name and what is the name of the Biscuit??
A: Reema Lagu ....
the asstiant yelled ... "Marie" .. several times....